Privacy policy


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform and present to users (hereinafter the “Users”) of the website (hereinafter the “Website”) the way Linablu processes the personal data collected.

The effective date of this Privacy Policy is : March 22nd, 2022.

Please note that the information on this page is translated from the page written in French which is the legal text of reference. This text is available on this link : Politique de Confidentialité

Personnal Data

Linablu collects and processes personal data about the User when using the Website as follows.

Linablu, whose contact details are indicated in the legal notices above, is responsible for the processing of this data.

Mean for the processing

Personal data collected

Purpose of the processing

Legal basis

Storage and archiving time.

Contact form

First name, family name, email address, subject and content of the message (if any)

Contact, pre-contractual exchanges, provision of information, assistance, manage the follow-up of the relationship with the person concerned.

Execution of pre-contractual measures and consent of Users

Active base

3 years from last contact

Storage base

2 additional years, from the date of archiving (duration of civil prescription)

Newsletter subscription

First name, family name, email address

Sending of newsletter (information, news, advertising, etc.)


Recipients of personal data

Personal data is transmitted to Linablu’s staff in charge of contact messaging management and commercial prospecting.

The data can also be transferred to any Linablu partners when the user has agreed to receive the offers from them.

Some service providers may have to transfer the User’s data outside the European Union.

Linablu endeavours to require its subcontractors to comply with the applicable regulations and, where appropriate, to ensure that transfers outside the European Union are based on an adequate level of protection or guarantees.

If required by law, Linablu may transmit data to address claims against it and comply with administrative and judicial procedures.

Rights of the User over his personal data

The user has at all times the following rights on his/her personal data:

  • Right of access : to obtain confirmation of the processing of his/her personal data as well as a certain amount of information about the processing, with the understanding that this information is in any case given in the present policy of protection of personal data;
  • Right of rectification : obtain rectification of personal data when they are inaccurate or incomplete;
  • Right to erasure (« right to be forgotten ») : to obtain the erasure of his personal data when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or when the User objects to the processing of his/her personal data.

The right to erasure is not enforceable in the cases provided for in Article 17.3 of the GDPR.

  • Right to the limitation of the processing : to obtain the limitation of the processing of his personal data especially when the user contests the accuracy of the data, when the data retention period has expired but the User still needs to keep this personal data for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending a legal right;
  • Right to portability : to obtain the communication of the personal data that the User has communicated to Linablu in a readable format, or to ask Linablu to transmit the personal data that the User has communicated to another controller;
  • Right of opposition : to oppose at any time, for reasons relating to his personal situation, the processing of his/her personal data based on Linablu’s legitimate interest, particularly in the case where this opposition concerns commercial prospecting, except for Linablu’s compelling motive.
  • Right to withdraw consent : withdraw at any time its consent for the reception of newsletter or the transfer of data to partners;
  • Right to lodge a complaint : to lodge a complaint with the National Commission of Data Protection and Freedoms if the User considers that the processing carried out by Linablu constitutes a violation of his/her personal data.
  • Right to set guidelines for the fate of personal data after death.

The User’s rights to his personal data may be exercised at any time with Linablu:
– By email to
– By mail to 45 Avenue Coriandre – 13600 La Ciotat – France
– On the contact form on the website

Cookies and trackers

A cookie or tracer is a file that is deposited and/or read in the User’s terminal (computer, mobile device, etc.) or linked to the User’s identifiers if it is registered on the Website.

The Website contains cookies managed by Linablu and third-party cookies stored and managed by partners to provide various services.

Where cookies are used to collect Personal Data, the procedures for processing such data have been described in Part relating to Personal Data.

The cookies used on the Website are as follows:

  • Functional Cookies



Effective duration


This Polylang cookie is used to determine the visitor’s preferred language and, if possible, set the site language accordingly

12 months

  • Statistical Cookies



Effective duration


This Matomo cookie is used to store user details such as unique visitor ID

13 months


This Matomo cookie is used to temporarily store data for the visit

30 min

  • Third-party Cookies


These cookies are placed on the Website and managed by third party providers.




Effective duration


This Complianz cookie is used in case the cookie consent banner has been rejected


6 months



This Complianz cookie is used to store the privacy policy identifier when it has been accepted


6 months








These Complianz cookies are used to manage cookie consent


6 months


By clicking on «accept» on the cookies banner, the User gives his consent to the use of cookies.


The User may object to or uninstall cookies by using the system provided for this purpose on the Website and/or by following the settings of his/her browser or the operating system of his terminal.

The deletion or deactivation of cookies will cause the User to lose all the benefit provided by cookies.


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